call us (562) 531-2976

Best Surface Finishing Process in the World

Did you know that Extrude Hone AFM provides the absolute best surface finishing process in the world? That’s right – we hear it over and over from clients that our patented process dramatically enhanced the performance of their components. Learn more about our amazing process below, and don’t hesitate to call us at (562) 531-2976 to request your free, custom estimate today.

What happens during AFM?

AFM stands for abrasive flow machining. It’s a nickname we’ve given to our patented process over the years that accurately describes our process. During AFM, custom-designed abrasive media flows through a workplace at a certain speed and pressure, performing erosion on the surface. As abrasive particles in the media contact raised positive features on the surface of the workpiece, they are effectively removed. A hydraulic ram forces the media through the workpiece. As this happens, the media becomes a flexible file or slug which is molded precisely to the shape of the workpiece as it shifts to fit every little part of the workpiece. The amount of material removed during this process is carefully coordinated, and the highest amount of material removal occurs where the media flow is restricted. Wherever its movement is restricted, the flow speed and pressure of the media increases, facilitating a higher material removal rate. As a result, a uniform finish is achieved as the media exerts pressure on all surface areas of the workpiece.

Customizing your results

The rate at which the material is removed from the surface of the workpiece varies according to several factors. The material the workpiece is made of, as well as its hardness, quality or density, and the size and amount of passages to be process all affect how much surface material is removed during the finishing and processing process. The media flow rate of speed of each pass or cycle, the media carrier viscosity, abrasive particle size, and the abrasive concentration per pound of media will all affect the outcome of the AFM process.

Highly controllable results

Each application of the AFM method is specifically customized to achieve intended results. We carefully control the media flow rate and pressure, volume, and type of media, media temperature, and the end result – how much media is removed to achieve a uniform, perfectly polished surface finish for your workpiece. For any given application, the surface finish improvement, radius generation, and/or stock removal can be determinded for each workpiece. If you send more than one replica of your workpiece to Extrude Hone AFM, we can closely monitor and record the custom designed AFM process to ensure precise repeatability.

Request your custom estimate

The AFM is custom designed for each application, so if you have a workpiece you’re considering sending to Extrude Hone AFM for precise surface finishing and polishing, give us a call at (562) 531-2976. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have about our process and expected results for you workpiece, and we’ll provide you with a custom estimate as well. Call us at (562) 531-2976 today.