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Additive MFG
Surface Finish Improvements of critical passageways for prototypes & production parts
Additive MFGAerospace
Abrasive Flow Machining to meet today's Aerospace manufacturing specifications
Abrasive Flow Machining has been proven to increase the flow of fuel & air through the engine to enhance performance
Dies, Molds & Gears
Extrude Honing AFM has revolutionized the finishing of precision dies
Dies, Molds & GearsEDM Recast Removal
Extrude Honing AFM can remove EDM's recast layer from molds, dies, and other parts machined by this method
EDM Recast RemovalFood Processing
With our Ultra Pure Process we ensure these surfaces are pure and free of any microscopic burrs or cavities which are causes for contamination
Food Processing
Extrude Hone AFM has the capabilities to reach the most intricate & intertwined flow passages
Polishing, deburring & radiusing sharp edges contribute to a smoother, less destructive introduction into the human body that resists bacterial contamination
MedicalTurbines & Pumps
When it comes to improving efficiency and capabilities of a centrifugal pump, the surface finish of the turbine, impeller, and or the housing can be critical
Turbines & Pumps