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Extrude Hone is Environmentally-FriendlyThe purpose of Extrude Hone AFM is simple and profound. The whole reason why Extrude Hone AFM exists boils down to this threefold mission:

  • Better performance
  • Better fuel efficiency
  • Cleaner exhaust emissions

The AFM process used here at Extrude Hone AFM allows us to achieve this mission every time we complete work on a component. We serve so many industries, including the aerospace, automotive, and food processing industries. Read more about the industries we support every day here.

But you may be wondering, what does all this have to do with being environmentally-friendly? Actually, all three facets of our mission relate to our mission to make the world more eco-friendly.

Better performance

When components work better, they require less maintenance, run more effectively, and save time. This all are pluses for the environment because when a component breaks and someone needs to come fix it, gas and energy are expended to accomplish this task. When the component works properly to begin with, thankfully none of these become necessary.

Better fuel efficiency

This one is a real no-brainer. When fuel can be used more efficiently, less of it is needed to operate the machinery. If every component than could be extrude honed were extrude honed, the US would save billions of dollars every year in fuel costs. If that’s not environmentally-friendly, nothing is!

Cleaner exhaust emissions

Politicians, philosophers, and every random person on the street seems to be talking about cutting our emissions. Many countries are actively working to reduce emissions as an effort to curb global warming and other human environmental impacts. When components are brought to Extrude Hone AFM and run through our eco-friendly process, they automatically result in cleaner exhaust emissions as soon as they’re put to use again by businesses.

What are you waiting for?

By now, there’s no doubt in your mind that sending your components to Extrude Hone AFM is an environmentally-friendly choice. Not only that, it’ll save you and your clients real money over time because your components will work better, have greater fuel efficiency, and cleaner exhaust emissions. It’s a real step of progress for everyone, including us, because we get to make the world a better place, lessening the negative impact we have on the environment around us, and preserving it for future generations to use.

There’s a wise quote that gets passed around a lot and that we keep in mind here at Extrude Hone AFM. It’s a Native American proverb that goes, “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”

Extrude Hone AFM tries to do its part to be as environmentally-friendly as possible every day. Won’t you join us? Call (562) 531-2976 or email to discuss your component with our extrude honing experts, and find out what we can do for you and your business today.