call us (562) 531-2976

Extrude Hone in Columbus OH

Let us help extrude hone in Columbus OH and meet your exact specifications - guaranteed

Extrude honing involves the use of abrasive flow machining to deliver highly precise surface improvements in all kinds of metal parts. After decades of experience, Extrude Hone AFM is a true expert in this process. No matter what you may need to extrude hone in Columbus OH, we can tailor our process to your exact specs for reliable, repeatable results.

Now you might wonder: How the heck does extrude honing work?

A polymer media carrying an abrasive grit is pushed through the workpiece by a hydraulic ram, causing the media to be extruded through the holes and passages in the workpiece. The grit hones all surfaces of the metal passages as it goes by--hence the name extrude hone. Basically, we are producing controlled erosion with our equipment, using larger abrasive particles for rapid erosion and aggressive surface removal and smaller particles for finer polishing.

Why should I choose Extrude Hone AFM?

Extrude Hone AFM has been providing expert abrasive flow machining since the 1970s. We have a thorough understanding of this process and we can achieve highly precise and repeatable results no matter how demanding your specs may be. Our experience extends to many different industry applications such as:

What metals can I extrude hone in Columbus OH?

Because we can use any grit from gravel-like 1000 grit to powder-like 8-grit and change various parameters like flow, temperature, and pressure, there is really no metal that can’t be extrude honed. Metals we commonly extrude hone in Columbus OH include:

  • Titanium
  • Iconel
  • Super alloys
  • Hardened metals
  • Aluminum
  • Bronze
  • Copper
  • And more

How long does the process take?

The answer to this question will depend on what you want to extrude hone in Columbus OH and how fast you want to remove material from the workpiece. However, the process is certainly faster than hand finishing, porting, or deburring. While shipping your parts to and from our shop will add time to the process, ordering the polymers won’t because we keep a large selection on hand.

What will it cost?

The best way to answer this question is to call (562) 531-2976 or send us an email. Be sure to include a description of the part you want to extrude hone in Columbus OH and the improvement you need to achieve so we can provide an accurate quote.

Extrude Hone AFM operates out of Paramount, Ca. We service all U.S. cities from our location in Paramount, Ca. If you have further questions regarding our ability to help you in your location, please call us 562-531-2976.