From its founding in the 1620s as a Dutch trading post, New York NY has been a diverse city with a focus on trade. Though Manhattan is one of the world’s most expensive real estate markets, other boroughs of the city continue to offer a chance for immigrants to live the American Dream. One of the most famous landmarks in New York NY, the Statue of Liberty, is a reminder of the city’s importance as a gateway for immigration .Extrude Hone AFM’s highly precise surface polishing, radiusing, and internal deburring process has a wide range of applications across many industries that are active in New York NY. Whether you need to finish parts made by EDM, additive manufacturing, die casting, or traditional machining or just need to enhance the performance of parts for aerospace, automotive, hydraulic, medical, or food processing applications, we can help. Let us select the right abrasive media to deliver the aggressive material removal or fine honing you require without altering the geometry of the part.