Irvine CA is known as a pleasant city offering high quality of life to residents, thanks to a large number of skilled jobs plus a well-rated public school system. Many residents of Irvine CA work as professors at the numerous local college campuses, while others find work at the tech companies that have sprung up in the city in recent years. The climate of innovation in Irvine CA means businesses here must always strive to improve their offerings, and that is exactly what Extrude Hone AFM does. Our highly precise surface polishing, radiusing, and internal deburring process has a wide range of applications across many industries. Whether you need to finish parts made by EDM, additive manufacturing, die casting, or traditional machining or just need to enhance the performance of parts for aerospace, automotive, hydraulic, medical, or food processing applications, we can help. Let us select the right abrasive media to deliver the aggressive material removal or fine honing you require without altering the geometry of the part.